Sunday, November 11, 2018

An Article Offering Some Good Short-term and Long-term Solutions Regarding Immigration and the Migrant Caravans

The article below by Sonia Nazario, an experienced immigration reporter, offers some reasonable solutions to some of our immigration problems. Unfortunately both the Democrats and the Trump Administration probably won't accept her plan. The Democrats, my party, won't like some of her ideas because they involve real enforcement measures. The Trump Administration won't like some of her ideas because they're somewhat humane. 

There are other solutions not mentioned in her article that are also needed such as a strictly enforced, mandatory, universal, national E-Verify system in any new "comprehensive" immigration bill, an end to extended family immigration (sometimes called "chain migration"), greatly decreasing the number of yearly normal immigrants which is usually an ecologically irrational number of around a million or more, and increasing our ridiculously small refugee limit of 30,000 per year. But those ideas can be discussed later. Here is her article:

"I'm a Child of Immigrants. And I Have a Plan to Fix Immigration"